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Health & Safety Event 2022

8 - 10 April 2025
NEC, Birmingham

Driver Safety Zone


Driver Safety Zone


Driver Safety Theatre

The Health & Safety Event is partnering with Driving for Better Business, to deliver a unique feature for delegates in the form of our Driver Safety Zone.

This zone will share vital information and resources with safety professionals who have responsibility for work-related road risk.

Collaborating with a number of specialist partners, this zone will provide invaluable information and expert support to any safety professionals who are responsible for managing work-related road risk.

We will be sharing expertise, leadership and best practice in the management of driver safety.

What to expect at the Driver Safety Zone?



Speak to the delivery partners and organisations who are contributing to the improvement of work-related road safety and risk management. They will be onsite to share best practice, insight and guidance to you and your colleagues driving to work challenges.


CPD Content

CPD Content

Three days of high-level content will look at the legal requirements of current legislation, what industry-recognised good practice looks like, how to improve safety culture in relation to driving for work, and what upcoming changes to official guidance will mean for businesses and their safety managers.


Tools and guidance

Tools and guidance

Do any of your staff drive as part of their job? Start your driving for better business journey here and find out what you can do to improve the levels of compliance for all those who drive or ride for work. Access the tools and guidance to help you demonstrate leadership in the management and reduction of work-related road risk.



  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Nine out of ten crashes are caused by human factors rather than issues with the vehicle or road conditions. These factors might include driver behaviour, such as speeding, fatigue, or phone use; the t ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Are your drivers really safe when they’re out on the road? What if a medical issue you weren’t aware of was the cause of a serious crash? The consequences of these types of incidents can be truly horr ...
  1. 30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    According to HSE, 776,000 workers in the UK suffer from work-related stress, depression or anxiety leading to 16.4 million lost working days. Mental health charity Mind says that 1 in 4 people experie ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    One in three road traffic accidents involves someone driving for work. Are you meeting your duty of care to your workplace drivers? This panel discussion will explore the micro factors that impact pre ...
  1. 30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    In this engaging talk, Pete explores the HERO Mindset, a concept designed to tackle ongoing safety challenges in the transport sector. Despite widespread knowledge and guidelines, preventable incident ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Building on yesterday’s session, which examined a serious work-related road collision and its impact on the driver’s employer, today’s session focuses on how to learn from such incidents to improve po ...
  1. 30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Having a policy is a legal requirement, as is keeping it up to date, and communicating it effectively to drivers. The Driving for Better Business Policy Builder is a free to access template, which giv ...
  1. Driver Safety Theatre
    30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Training a distributed workforce is one of the most difficult challenges that safety managers have to address, and teams of drivers working remotely are no exception. In this session, you'll learn how ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    This panel discussion will explore the key challenges involved in improving driver risk management, the competencies required of drivers, driver safety managers and organisation leaders, and highlight ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    In this thought-provoking seminar, Tim, a former Intelligence Officer and graduate of Sandhurst, will explore how leaders and teams can break free from the trap of prioritising perception over reality ...
  1. Driver Safety Theatre
    30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    The panel "Driving Safety Improvements Through Data & Intelligence" will explore how data-driven decision-making enhances driver safety programs and secures stakeholder buy-in. Experts will discuss th ...
  1. Driver Safety Theatre
    45 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre

    If you've had first aid training, it's likely you’ve learned techniques in a classroom setting, perhaps practising skills like placing a dummy in the recovery position on the floor. But have you considered how you would apply that knowledge to an HGV driver experiencing a heart attack in their cab, whilst strapped into their seat, ten feet off the ground? If  not, then this unique session is for you.

    Tim will demonstrate how immersive and engaging training techniques, that reflect the real world scenarios in which that training will be needed, and give the knowledge,
    confidence and skills to act quickly and effectively when it matters most.

  1. Driver Safety Theatre
    30 mins
    • Driver Safety Theatre
    Netradyne is a global provider of driver safety and coaching technologies. In this session, Durgadutt will share how AI and gen-AI systems can empower HSE leaders with a technology-driven, holistic ap ...

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