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Health & Safety Event 2022

8 - 10 April 2025
NEC, Birmingham

The Knowledge Exchange Theatre


The Knowledge Exchange Theatre

The Knowledge Exchange

  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    By 2025, millennials will comprise 75% of the global workforce, with Gen Z making up 30% by 2030. These generations are redefining workplace expectations, prioritising digital connectivity and supportive environments.

    This shift drives the need to rethink safety culture through approaches like Human and Organisational Performance (HOP), enabled by technology. Paralleling this shift, serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) remain a critical concern across industries—despite efforts to improve safety processes.

    Join EcoOnline and Tesco to explore how applying HOP principles can build a future-proof safety culture that engages staff and reduces the risk of SIFs. Discover how embracing a model that recognises human fallibility can uncover hidden risks, enhance incident investigations, and drive safer, more informed decisions.
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    Over 90 per cent of the 33 million workwear items supplied in the UK annually currently end up in landfill or are incinerated – almost none is reused or recycled. What can procurement professionals do to improve circularity, sustainability whilst reducing their costs?
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    Risk Assessments and method statements (RAMS) are the backbone to safe systems of work—but as technology, industry and ways of working change, where are they headed in the next 20 years? Join our panel as we explore the future of RAMS; from digital transformation and AI-driven automation to evolving regulations and industry best practices. Will paper-based RAMS become obsolete? How will technology redefine risk management? Don't miss this thought-provoking discussion where industry leaders will share insights, predictions, and strategies to stay ahead of the curve.
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    45 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    Managers are responsible for almost 70% of our wellbeing at work - so it makes sense to ensure our wellbeing training strategy has a strong focus on them. They need confidence to have those conversations with someone struggling and to ensure that person is fit for work and not about to cause an accident!  But managers can find these conversations very hard.  This session run by Healthy Work Company explores this conversation bringing it to life using forum theatre.
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    Many safety professionals face the challenge of gaining leadership buy-in and commitment to health and safety initiatives. In this session, Andy will explore the importance of strong communication skills and how to connect with the CEO and other C-suite leaders. Preparation, understanding their perspective, and being aware of common mistakes so you can avoid them will all contribute to speaking the right language and getting everyone on the same page. 
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    Presenting insights from Arco’s award-shortlisted Marketing Campaign of the Year 2025, highlighting the hidden costs of cutting corners in health and safety. Emphasising the financial and human risks, Simon advocates for investing in comprehensive joined-up safety solutions to focus on prevention and ending in protection, keeping both people and businesses safe.
  2. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    n this session, Laura and Steve will explore the critical elements required to build a high performing Health, Safety, and Wellbeing (HSW) team. The discussion will centre on how effective leadership creates the foundation for excellence, emphasising the role of psychological safety, team engagement, and robust stakeholder management. Key points will include:

    Transformational leadership
    How leaders can inspire, empower, and mentor their teams by setting clear visions, establishing shared values, and leading by example. The talk will highlight practical strategies to develop leadership qualities across all levels, ensuring that every team member is aligned with our mission.

    Psychological safety
    An exploration of creating an environment where team members feel safe to speak up, share ideas, and challenge the status quo without fear of retribution, including how psychological safety underpins innovation and continuous improvement in HSW practices.

    Engagement and collaboration
    Techniques to foster deep engagement and build a culture of collaboration within and across teams. This will include methods for effective communication, trust-building, and the role of cross-functional collaboration in achieving high performance.

    Stakeholder management
    Strategies for managing and collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders, ensuring that diverse perspectives are incorporated, and that there is alignment with broader organizational goals. This section will cover how to navigate complex stakeholder landscapes while maintaining a focus on safety and wellbeing.

    Continuous improvement and resilience
    Finally, we will address the importance of embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, encouraging teams to learn from challenges and remain resilient in the face of change. This approach not only supports HSW objectives but also drives overall organizational excellence.

    Through a blend of theory and practical examples, the session will provide actionable insights and strategies that leaders can use to build and sustain a high performing HSW team. 


  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    In recent years we’ve become increasingly aware that we’re 32 times as likely to attend the funeral of a colleague who has taken their own life as we are the funeral of a colleague killed in a work accident. It’s a situation that, post covid, is getting worse and hardly any governments have both the money and inclination to address this. It’s something industry will need to address itself. Why it’s so important, human cost aside, is that on a day to day basis people who are struggling tend to be more fatalistic and more distracted. They are also more likely to make poor quality decisions and are less likely to have good quality interactions. These factors of course impact on excellence and sustainability generally. It’s a genuine win: win situation and one that we have long known how to address.This talk will outline a holistic and practical approach to excellence and introduce Tim’s new book. This a collection of articles published by the British Safety Council – with all proceeds split between Mates in Mind and the Welsh Mental Health charity Brawd. 
  1. 30 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    In 2012 HSE commenced a longitudinal research study on silica related ill-health in brick manufacture, stone working and foundries. This has created a shared HSE and industry resource comprising over 2000 measurements of RCS across 20 brick manufacturing sites in Great Britain. The assembled information provides evidence of the impact of recent HSE and industry initiatives to improve control of RCS exposure and reduce risks to workers' health.  
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    45 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    In this session, Dee will explain what Psychological Safety is, how to achieve it, and the benefits it can bring to team performance, resilience, and creativity. Culture and leadership both play a key role, as Dee will explain during this informative presentation. 
  1. The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    45 mins
    • The Knowledge Exchange Theatre
    An overview of RoSPA's recently launched campaign, which calls on Government to introduce a joined-up accident prevention strategy backed by a dedicated minister. This presentation includes data insights and specific recommendations for workplace safety.

Seminar Overview

Discover more seminar theatres taking place at The Health and Safety Event. With 150+ hours of content CPD-accredited, upskill and develop your capabilities as an H&S professional.

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Exhibitor List 

Discover thousands of specialist products and solutions to improve health and safety standards and management. With so much on offer, maximise your time onsite.

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What they say...

What they say...

  • We really appreciate being invited to this event each year because we do find it a really useful chance to talk to people we really need to engage with to give them the opportunity to ask questions face to face.
    Head of Strategic Partnerships
    Health & Safety Executive
  • So I think when you actually when start to come here and you see all of the component pieces that build up what occupational safety and health is, I don’t know, it’s really re-invigorating, you kind of go “oh yeah, I forget that we do this and this and this” and you see all of those things and you kind of stitch it together and you go actually “we do a heck of a lot” and we should be really proud of it.
    President Elect
  • So the Health and Safety Event offers the opportunity for people to keep up to date with best practice, latest thinking not just in the training world and safety in general but in the little nuances that people offer within this environment.
    Worthwhile Training

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