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Health & Safety Event 2022

8 - 10 April 2025
NEC, Birmingham



Andrew Moncrieff

Andrew Moncrieff

Energy, Oil, Gas & Renewables - Enterprise Specialist
Andrew is a leading figure in the energy, oil, gas, and renewables markets across the UK and EMEA for QHSE market leaders, Bizzmine. With over 20 years of experience in delivering digital transformation and SaaS projects, Andrew has made significant contributions to both the healthcare and energy sectors. His expertise spans delivering projects to the NHS and numerous high-profile energy projects, including the largest LNG terminal in Europe and the largest wind farm in Ireland. Andrew's deep understanding of the challenges facing the energy, oil, and gas sector, combined with his keen insight into regulatory trends and the emergence of AI, positions him as a thought leader in the industry

The Safety & Security Event Series

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