Are items being washed correctly?
Elis offers a wide range of PPE and industrial garments suitable for multiple end-uses, offering protection against fire, molten metals, chemicals and other hazardous substances. However, factors such as a build-up of oil on workwear could turn it into more of a hazard than a protection. In addition, washing high-visibility items incorrectly could make them less visible, while inadequate laundry practices could result in sub-standard hygiene levels for food production and catering workwear. It is therefore important for businesses to consider whether their wash processes are delivering an appropriate standard of cleaning and hygiene. A professionally managed laundry service such as that provided by Elis uses industrial equipment with carefully monitored programmes and processes to ensure that any reprocessed items are fully compliant with the relevant standards and regulations for each sector. Is workwear being properly maintained? Ensuring that workwear is maintained and repaired appropriately is just as important as laundering it correctly.
Holes and tears in fabric can leave skin exposed and could be at risk of catching on machinery or tools. A maintenance service can be provided as part of a professional workwear laundry package, so any necessary repairs are undertaken automatically as part of the reprocessing cycle. This can help to minimise workwear risk and enhance its longevity, offering a more cost effective and sustainable solution.
The benefits of a managed laundry solution
Rather than investing in the purchase of workwear and paying for laundry services separately, businesses may find that moving to a combined rental and laundry contract offers better value. Rental options such as these can help businesses to control budgets, with the added benefit of no up-front purchasing costs. A rental contract means that workwear can easily be swapped to meet requirements – e.g. different sizing – when new employees are appointed, ensuring they have the most appropriate garments and the best fit. RFID tags and bar codes on individual items also help to ensure that businesses are supplied with the right type and amount of workwear at all times, as well as helping to minimise lost stock. Elis has over 100 years’ experience in providing high quality workwear services and solutions. It supplies thousands of businesses across the UK, advising them on the most appropriate items, supplying the garments and regularly laundering and maintaining them. To find out more, call 0808 169 8265 or email UK-Marketing@elis.com