We are excited to bring the Crane of the Future Range to the UK to remove headaches associated with crane operations such as health and safety concerns, production loss due to breakdowns and a severe impact on budgets and cash flow from potentially high repair or replacement costs.
The crane of the future is a range of products which makes those risks associated with overhead cranes go away. It is an innovative, cost effective range of smart technology which can be fitted to any overhead crane regardless of age or manufacturer. All the products are can connect wirelessly using ‘hoistnet’ meaning they can be installed individually to solve a specific problem, or holistically to control the whole process.
Misuse of cranes is the leading cause of breakdowns and incidents, the COTF range uses technology to prevent that misuse occurring and gives full visibility of how the cranes are being operated to management by beaming all of the information on usage back to an easy to use web portal and offering instant email notifications when an incident has been prevented.
That blend of smart technology and operational culture change through enhanced visibility gives complete peace of mind to business owners, production or health and safety managers that their cranes are being used safely, which will significantly reduce breakdowns and extend the lifecycle of the crane and keep those costs to an absolute minimum. Visit or request a call back at