Interactive Workshop - Lone Working
Lone working can be beneficial for both organisation and individuals, allowing more flexible working, greater utilisation of resources and more autonomy for the worker. However, these benefits can also bring challenges and risks that need to be managed to ensure the safety of the lone workers.
The challenges facing lone workers include the increased potential for violence and aggression, more traditional health and safety risks and the potential for increased isolation and stress. Those who work alone may have a need for specifically developed strategies to help them assess and manage their own safety and wellbeing.
From assistance with equipping staff with essential skills through to fundamentally changing the way your teams work, we can provide a ‘one stop shop’ for your lone working training needs.
Worthwhile Training can help your organisation to manage the risks to lone workers by offering a variety of solutions including (but not exclusively):
• Support with the risk assessment process
• Development of effective controls
• Line Management Training – fulfilling responsibilities
• Lone Worker Training – tailored to the activities of your staff
We can also help you assess the variety of Lone Working Systems and Devices that are available, so that you can make an informed decision before committing your valuable resources.
Worthwhile Training organise the Lone Worker Safety Expo held in London every year. This dedicated event brings together experts in the field in one unique conference and exhibition. For more details visit