Up until a few years ago, many jobs were the exclusive prerogative of men. Today, things have changed and it is not uncommon to find women doing jobs that were generally associated with men.
Working on a site, driving lorries, working in logistics or on an airport ramp is no longer work that is exclusive to men. Women and men are, however, physically different and, although the specifications required of workwear are identical, the cut and design must be appropriately tailored.
Safety workwear is the go to for personal protective equipment that ensures the safety of the worker. It must provide adequate protection and ensure functionality, comfort and ease of movement at work.
This explains the need to adapt lines and make cuts for the different physical shapes of men and women to guarantee effectiveness and safety, without relinquishing style or design.
Let’s see what U-Power has on offer For Her
The Lady line includes work trousers, cargo shorts, winter jackets, sleeveless waistcoats and sweatshirts that use soft, comfortable, technologically advanced fabrics to provide optimum levels of comfort and convenience.
Workwear that takes its cue from trends in fashion and provides an optimal fit owing to a design that hugs the contours of the body.
Not only workwear and professional clothing, but garments that can also be worn for recreation all down to the cut and the scrupulous attention to detail.
In short, workwear that takes women’s physical features into account and ensures comfort, practicality, quality of materials and technology, without relinquishing style or fashion.
The Lady line includes winter and summer garments which can be combined with safety footwear in colours such as Kate in the brand new Red 360 line, Verok in the Red Lion line or Tokyo in the Red Industry line, to name but a few, although the U-Power women’s work shoe line provides much more choice.
Let’s see in detail what's on offer in the Lady line, with an eye on the season and on the technical specifications of the individual garments.