Barbour Consolidated
Our available Consolidated libraries for UK legislation:
- Safety
- Environment
- Planning
▶ A single source of truth for legislation with amendments.
Our Consolidated portal provides up-to-date UK legislation with the most recent changes wrapped into one document, including all historic amendments and revocations. This means that you’re always looking at the law as it stands today.
We identify any changes for you with coloured icons and highlighted text so you always know what you’re looking at and why.
We’re the only information provider that consolidates legislation in this way.
▶ No need to interpret legal jargon. We tell you what you need to know.
We provide you with factual, simplified and plain-English breakdowns that tell you what the legislation means to help you understand what you need to do. This contains a short summary to understand the detail and any changes.
We also pull together all of the relevant guidance documents, drafts, and consultations, as well as links to related legislation.
▶ Easily find the exact information you're looking for and sense check its relevance.
Our Consolidated portal categorises legislation by topic, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for.
If you then find you have any questions about legislation, we have a team of legal expert writers who are on hand to help you out with your queries.
✔ Ready to simplify your EHS compliance? Find out more: